Disappearance of Bookseller in Hong Kong of Lee Bo – Extremely Worrying

6 January, 2016

If all 5 owners (Lee Bo, Gui Minhai, Cheung Ji-ping, Lui Bo and Lam Wing-kei) for the bookstore go missing at different times and at different places it seems difficult to prove that Lee Bo had just disappeared-off to the China randomly. It is furthermore very impossible to enter China without proper papers.

When Wang Yi says to British Foreign Secretary that Lee is “first and foremost a Chinese citizen”; it is admittance that his case is being handled by the Communist Party and that the Communist Party was behind the abduction.

To hear legislators (such as Regina IP) come up with stupid explanations that it is easy to leave Hong Kong without documents clearly indicates whose pocket she is in and to hear lawmaker Ng Leung-sing allege that Lee Bo had gone to the mainland to seek prostitutes is deplorable.

It was speculated that the bookshop was going to publish a book about Xi Jin Ping’s mistresses and love life and hence the CCP have taken these steps to stop the publication.

Whatever the reasons, this is a very very serious blow to the framework of one country two systems, Hong Kong’s law enforcement system, judicial independence, freedom of speech and freedom of press.

3 January, 2016

The disappearance of Lee Bo, 65, a majority shareholder in Causeway Bay Books, vanished on Wednesday 30 December, 2015.

Lee’s wife said her husband called her from Shenzhen the night he disappeared and said “he will not be coming back anytime soon. He said he was assisting an investigation.” When the wife asked him if it was about the previous cases, he said yes. It was about the missing [associates]. He then called again and asked his wife not to make a scene.

The disappearance is definitely the work of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and it is extremely worrying that people are being abducted by the CCP in Hong Kong without involving the Hong Kong police. This seriously puts into question the One Country Two Systems framework and basic human rights.

Lee Bo did not even have this passport nor “going home” card so without the endorsement of the Communist Party there would have  been no way for Lee Bo to have entered China – and definitely not by his own accord.

This is extremely worrying and I fear for all living in Hong Kong.