DAB Hong Kong receives over HK$ 130m per year in funding

The DAB (Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong) https://www.eng.dab.org.hk/ receives over HK$ 130m per year in funding, mostly from Beijing and the other communist cronies presumably.  The below is a screenshot of their financial statement for 2016/2017.

DAB HK Funding
DAB HK Funding

Quite interesting that instead of calling the funding “Donations from members” in 2017 they renamed the income as “Income from Fund Raising Activities” but nonetheless the money is coming from the same place and in the 2017 the total money injected into this organisation was more than HK$ 130 million. The total funding is likely to be even more than what is reported because many of the members are likely to receive their salaries from Beijing or vehicles controlled by Beijing. So can this constitute foreign interference? Whereby an organisation receives funding from Beijing-friendly sources to achieve certain political ends and obey orders; it has been rumoured that DAB would actually drive coach-loads of old people to polling stations and teach them how to vote; this year 2019 they seemed to have lost quite dismally.

I also did some research on how much funding the Democratic Party of Hong Kong (https://www.dphk.org/) receives per annum and from the financial statements it looks like they are receiving around around HK$18million per annum in funding which is about ~14% of what DAB receives. So the DAB is really well-funded compared to the Democratic Party of Hong Kong yet in 2019 they lost most of the seats; which is probably a reflection of the ineptness of its members who only echo what the administration says; there is no original ideas, no aspiration to represent the people but their only role is to obey Beijing. The people of Hong Kong are finally waking up to this and are no longer going to stand for it. Hong Kong people were stunned that the DAB were backing the extradition bill that had zero benefits for the people of Hong Kong; the more politically astute called the bill a means to legalise abduction.

Let us finally celebrate the landslide victory that the democratic camp had won today (24-25 November 2019). The victory speaks volumes about what the people of Hong Kong won; the infinitely-better funded party, DAB, ended up losing horribly and only held onto a few seats. Now the protesters should take their fight within the legal political arena rather than on the streets.

democratic party funding 2017
democratic party funding 2017