Gave up on Facebook Ads March 8, 2018gant_admin Facebook has made it too difficult for us to sign up to Facebook Ads; they kept disabling our accounts. In a corporate environment people do not wish to use their personal accounts in anyway, I tried to set up a business manager account but at the end they still needed to verify the identity of my staff which meant that my staff had to connect their personal Facebook accounts with the business. This is so stupid. We spent a good 10 days dealing with us and have finally given up. Previously, we had setup a new account and used one of my mobile phones to verify the telephone number and then after a few days of running the ads they blocked our account. The whole account was blocked and we couldn’t get in which meant that if we were to run the ads again we would have to set everything up from scratch. I do not wish to use my personal account to run the ads as I wish to keep business and personal separate and my staff even more so. They do not want people at work to delve into their personal lives. Facebook must be losing out massively because I am sure I am not the only business owner in the world who has given up on the matter; in addition to just giving up on Facebook I harbour some resentment to them having deleted all of my ads (which I was paying money for) and then de-activated my accounts and made things difficult to use. Facebook Ads Screwed