Shanghai Free Trade Zone’s 18 Policies

Out of the 18 policies that Shanghai’s Free Trade Zone; the only one that received a mention was the relaxation on the use of Facebook which isn’t even anything to do with free trade.

I have actually looked at the official government website and found the 18 new policies. Please find below.

I plugged this through Google Translate and it reads as follows:-

China Network Sept. 27 hearing, according to Chinese government network news , the State Council issued the China ( Shanghai ) test area overall scheme of free trade and expanding services announced liberalization measures covering six major areas of 18 industries open lists. Which allow designers to foreign professional health insurance agencies, allow the establishment of wholly foreign-owned international ship management companies , performing arts agencies , entertainment, health care institutions.

Under the program, Shanghai will expand the FTA services liberalization . Select financial services, shipping services , business services, professional services, cultural services, and opening wider field of social services ( specific opening listed in annex ) , suspend or cancel the qualification requirements of investors , equity ratio limits , restrictions on access to business scope restrictions ( banking institutions , except for information and communication services ) , create a favorable equal access to various types of investors in the market environment .

China ( Shanghai ) test area of free trade liberalization measures to expand services as follows:

First, the financial services sector

1 . Banking services ( national industry classification : J Financial Industry – 6620 Money and Banking Services )

Liberalization measures

( A ) allow qualified foreign financial institutions to establish foreign banks , in line with the conditions of private capital and foreign financial institutions to set up joint venture banks . When the conditions are met in a timely manner in the establishment of a limited pilot test area license banks .

( 2 ) the improvement of relevant management practices, strengthen the effective supervision of the premise, allowing qualified in the test area banks offering offshore business .

2 Professional health insurance ( national industry classification : J Financial Industry – 6812 health and accident insurance )

Liberalization measures

The establishment of foreign professional pilot health insurance agency.

3 Finance lease ( national industry classification : J Financial Industry – 6631 Financial Leasing Services )

Liberalization measures

( A ) financial leasing companies established in the test area stand-alone, single-ship subsidiary with no minimum registered capital requirements.

( 2 ) to allow leasing companies concurrently with the main business -related commercial factoring business .

Second, the shipping service areas

4 . Ocean cargo transportation ( national industry classification : G Transportation, storage and postal industry – 5521 Ocean freight )

Liberalization measures

( 1 ) relaxation joint ventures, Sino-foreign cooperative international shipping companies foreign equity restrictions , by the State Council department in charge of the development of relevant transport management pilot scheme .

( 2 ) to allow Chinese companies owned or controlled by a non- owned five-star flag ship , a pilot in the country of import and export containers between coastal ports and coastal Shanghai incidentally business.

5 International Ship Management ( national industry classification : G Transportation, storage and postal services – 5539 Other water transportation support services )

Liberalization measures

Allow the establishment of wholly foreign-owned international ship management companies .

Third, the business services sector

6 Value-added telecommunications ( national industry classification : I information transmission , software and information technology services – 6319 Other telecommunications services, Internet Information Services 6420 , 6540, data processing and storage services , 6592 Call Center )

Liberalization measures

The protection of network and information security under the premise of allowing foreign firms to operate certain forms part of the value-added telecommunications services, such as breakthrough involving administrative regulations shall be approved by the State Council agreed .

7 games, game machines sales and services ( national industry classification : F Wholesale and retail – 5179 Wholesale of other machinery and electronic goods )

Liberalization measures

Allow foreign companies engaged in gaming entertainment equipment production and sales, through cultural authorities examine the content of the game entertainment equipment available for the domestic market.

Fourth, professional services

8 Counsel Services ( national industry classification : L Leasing and Business Services – 7221 lawyers and legal services )

Liberalization measures

Explore closely with foreign law firms in China ( Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions ) law firm business cooperation modalities and mechanisms .

9 credit investigation ( national industry classification : L Leasing and Business Services – 7295 Credit Services )

Liberalization measures

Allow the establishment of foreign-invested credit investigation company .

10 travel agencies ( national industry classification : L Leasing and Business Services – 7271 Travel Service )

Liberalization measures

Registered in the test area allows qualified joint venture travel agencies , in addition to the Taiwan outbound tourism business outside the region .

11 personnel intermediary services ( national industry classification : L Leasing and Business Services – 7262 professional intermediary services )

Liberalization measures

( A ) allow the establishment of Sino-foreign talent agency , foreign joint ventures could have no more than 70 % of the shares ; allow Macao service suppliers to set up wholly talent agency .

( 2 ) foreign talent agency minimum registered capital requirements reduced by the $ 300,000 to $ 125,000 .

12 Investment Management ( national industry classification : L Leasing and Business Services – 7211 Corporate Headquarters Management )

Liberalization measures

Allow the establishment of joint-stock foreign investment companies .

13 Engineering Design ( Industrial Classification : M scientific research and technology services company – 7482 Engineering Survey and Design )

Liberalization measures

The test area to provide services for the Shanghai foreign engineering design ( not including engineering survey ) enterprises, cancel the first application when qualified investors engineering performance requirements .

14 Construction services ( national industry classification : E Construction – 47 Housing construction , 48 civil engineering construction, 49 construction and installation industry ,

50 architectural decoration and other construction )

Liberalization measures

The test area contracted foreign-owned construction enterprises in Shanghai Sino-foreign joint construction projects , from construction projects in the proportion of foreign investment restrictions .

Fifth, cultural services

15 performances broker ( national industry classification : R Culture, Sports and Entertainment – 8941 cultural entertainment broker )

Liberalization measures

Cancellation foreign performance agencies equity ratio limits , allow the establishment of wholly foreign-owned performing arts agencies , to provide services in Shanghai .

16 Entertainment ( national industry classification : R Culture , Sports and Entertainment – 8911 dance hall entertainment )

Liberalization measures

Allow the establishment of wholly foreign-owned entertainment , providing services in the test area .

Sixth, social services

17 education and training, vocational skills training ( national industry classification : P Education – 8291 Vocational Training )

Liberalization measures

( A ) to allow foreign cooperative education organized by training institutions .

( 2 ) to allow foreign cooperative operating organizing vocational training institutions .

18 Medical services ( national industry classification : Q Health and Social Work – 8311 General Hospital , 8315 hospital, outpatient department [ of 8330 ] )

Liberalization measures

Allow the establishment of wholly foreign-owned medical institutions. ( China Network Financial Center )

中国网9月27日讯 据中国政府网消息,国务院印发了中国(上海)自由贸易试验区总体方案,并公布了服务业扩大开放措施,涉及6大领域18个行业开放清单。其中,允许设外资专业健康医疗保险机构、允许设立外商独资国际船舶管理企业、演出经纪机构、娱乐场所、医疗机构等。

根据方案,上海自贸区将扩大服务业开放。选择金融服务、航运服务、商贸服务、专业服务、文化服务以及社会服务领域扩大开放(具体开放清单见附件), 暂停或取消投资者资质要求、股比限制、经营范围限制等准入限制措施(银行业机构、信息通信服务除外),营造有利于各类投资者平等准入的市场环境。



1.银行服务(国民经济行业分类:J 金融业——6620 货币银行服务)




2.专业健康医疗保险(国民经济行业分类:J 金融业——6812 健康和意外保险)



3.融资租赁(国民经济行业分类:J 金融业——6631 金融租赁服务)





4.远洋货物运输(国民经济行业分类:G 交通运输、仓储和邮政业——5521 远洋货物运输)




5.国际船舶管理(国民经济行业分类:G 交通运输、仓储和邮政业——5539 其他水上运输辅助服务)




6.增值电信(国民经济行业分类:I 信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业——6319 其他电信业务,6420 互联网信息服务,6540 数据处理和存储服务,6592 呼叫中心)



7.游戏机、游艺机销售及服务(国民经济行业分类:F 批发和零售业——5179 其他机械及电子商品批发)




8.律师服务(国民经济行业分类:L 租赁和商务服务业——7221 律师及相关法律服务)



9.资信调查(国民经济行业分类:L 租赁和商务服务业——7295 信用服务)



10.旅行社(国民经济行业分类:L 租赁和商务服务业——7271 旅行社服务)



11.人才中介服务(国民经济行业分类:L 租赁和商务服务业——7262 职业中介服务)




12.投资管理(国民经济行业分类:L 租赁和商务服务业——7211 企业总部管理)



13.工程设计(国民经济行业分类:M 科学研究与技术服务企业——7482 工程勘察设计)



14.建筑服务(国民经济行业分类:E 建筑业——47 房屋建筑业,48 土木工程建筑业,49 建筑安装业,

50 建筑装饰和其他建筑业)




15.演出经纪(国民经济行业分类:R 文化、体育和娱乐业——8941 文化娱乐经纪人)



16.娱乐场所(国民经济行业分类:R 文化、体育和娱乐业——8911 歌舞厅娱乐活动)




17.教育培训、职业技能培训(国民经济行业分类:P 教育——8291 职业技能培训)




18.医疗服务(国民经济行业分类:Q 卫生和社会工作——8311 综合医院,8315 专科医院,8330 门诊部〔所〕)

